Monday, November 10, 2008

Self Evaluation

I can't eat a sandwich unless it's cut in half diagonally.
I like the edges of brownies best.
I'm developing a passion for rock climbing and bouldering.
I hate the cold.
Thailand is still the best place I've ever been to.
I want to live in a third-world country for at least a year.
I want to travel and gain knowledge through experience, and have true friends all over the world.
I don't understand the girls who get married by age twenty.
I am OK with that.
I hate working retail.
I'm still working on being happy, however, some experiences seem to never leave you, making it harder to do so.
I'm getting there.
I know I'm supposed to experience things and that some experiences will be inevitable, but I'm still trying to remember that everything happens for a reason and has the potential for making me stronger.
I have wonderful friends.
I have extremely dry hands.
I like being honest with people.
I like people being honest with me.
I have a lot of outlets.
I try to avoid people as an outlet for some things.
I still go to school with a packed lunch in a Superman lunch box.
I, more often than not, have trouble sleeping.
Knowing you have someone there for you is so comforting.
I'm kind of a hippie.
I've been in the library for too long.
People watching is pretty entertaining.
Red and dark gray (charcoal gray) are my favorite colors.
I don't like pink or purple. At all.
I still consider Logan to be a small town.
I think it's weird when I see people push strollers around campus.
I find it hilarious when people have rolling backpacks and roll them up and/or down the stairs.
I make it a point to NOT listen to the radio.
I am currently satisfied.


Aaron C said...

Awww! I like this post. A lot. I'm kinda jealous that you eat your lunch out of a superman lunchbox actually.

Any developments with that certain one situation we discussed not too long ago?