Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Rant

Well, I was looking down at the pictures I posted of Kadie... and well, we'll just say that you can tell it's the end of the semester... I obviously couldn't figure out how to make the pictures look good, and it's not even showing the whole photo... I guess you'll just have to click on them to see the whole picture. Dang.

Yes. IT is the end of the semester. Three days left of classes, then the week of death comes. I have so much to do, and no time to do it. I know what you're thinking... "You could do it now."
You're right... but let me tell you something. Yesterday, I was on campus from 9:15 AM to 8:10 PM. Eleven hours and fifty-five minutes.
Today I was at school from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM then I only stopped at home to practice a couple things for practicum then I was off to it. (Practicum was especially good today. So fun, but that will have to be saved for a happier post.)
I needed a break before I went

OK. Well. Last week was Thanksgiving. And my grandma's 90th birthday (on Wednesday). My family, my grandma, aunt, and uncle went to Anaheim, California to celebrate. My family and uncle flew out Tuesday night. Wednesday we went to Disneyland. "The Happiest Place on Earth..." (I suppose it could be... but only once out of every 3-4 years.) Well, we arrive at D-Land, and the whole place is decked out in Christmas decorations. And you can't forget the Christmas tunes blaring through the speakers.
Me, being the biggest Scrooge on the face of the Earth, wasn't thrilled, to say the least.
A few rides were modified to fit the Christmas season as well... such as "It's a Small World." And, the most significant to American society, "Haunted Mansion."
Now, "Haunted Mansion" was modified to "The Nightmare Before Christmas." I have never seen this film, but as I mentioned before, I feel it fits American Society.
Halloween is a pretty big holiday. Then as soon as November 1st hits, Christmas music is playing, all the extra Halloween candy is on sale, and Christmas decorations are on display and on sale everywhere.
OK, OK, I may be pushing it a bit. But not much.

Seriously folks, what about Thanksgiving?!

Even if the stores do wait until the middle of November to put out their Christmas stock, the day after explodes with Christmas everything. Black Friday... People shout death wishes to people they might be best friends with just so they can get the best "deals". It's a mad house. All over the country. Before you know it, an elbow is in your face, the woman next to you is stepping on your foot, and her little girl is pulling your hair. Oh, and Merry Christmas.
I don't know about you, but something about that picture seems completely wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Christmas is the time of year where people are generous, cheerful, and to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Well, another thing. Let's see. The entire month of December (and most of November) is spent thinking of Christmas. Thanksgiving is just that other holiday in the middle of Halloween and Christmas. Just another day of the year. One day.
But once again, 24 hours later, Thanksgiving is thought of no more.

Seriously. You see all these people with ridiculous blow up toys in their yard, excessive hideous lights all over the place. Gross.
Is that what Christmas means to them?

(Wait, who am I to talk... I am grumpy throughout the entire season... But I work retail, keep in mind.)

So, through all the hustle and bustle, the elbows to the face, excessive lights and stupid blow up lawn decorations, the same music being played for months on end, etc, etc, etc. The true meaning of Christmas is lost.
Thanksgiving gets one measly day out of the year. Maybe Thanksgiving is better than that.

Good job, America. Good job.


thack said...

Meggie, Thanksgiving is remembered more than one day. People eat leftovers for at least one more day.

Unknown said...

And how